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We integrate with the tools you already use. This means that we can easily spot trends without interrupting your work – and there’s no waiting for your next survey.
Connect to our GitHub app to see insights based on your team’s PRs, commits, reviews, and comments.
Coming soon: BitBucket, GitLab
Track the reliability and speed of deployments with our GitHub Actions integration or Deployments API.
GitHub Actions,
Deployments API
Integrate with the issue tracking tools like Linear and Jira to see insights on where your team’s time went and potential blockers.
Track reliability with metrics like Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) and out-of-hour pages using one of our IMS integrations.
Protect focus time and track meeting load, including out-of-hours meetings.
Google Calendar,
Outlook Calendar
Set up Slack alerts to get insights and recommended actions in your workflow.
We use metrics from the tools you already use to make it easy to get insights and act on them. Measuring a combination of DORA, SPACE and DevEx metrics, you can slice your team’s data to suit your needs – because what matters most is not the framework but how you take action on it.
Process metrics
It’s frustrating for everyone when work gets blocked. That’s why we look at how the work is flowing with Change Lead Time.
This measures the time it takes to go from first commit until the commit has been deployed to production. It is one of the four key indicators of software team performance, as per Google’s DORA research. This is closely related to Cycle Time.
To help you find bottlenecks, we break down your Change Lead Time into its subsets: Coding Time, Review Wait Time, Editing Time, and Deploy Time.
We also look at other metrics that can impact the Flow of Work, like PR Size (since smaller PRs move through faster) and your team’s Focus Time (since it’s hard to move work forward without focus time).
Bluntly speaking, coding work doesn’t have an impact until it’s deployed to customers. To get an indicator of this, we look at Deployment Frequency, the number of successful deployments that a team made to the production environment. This is another one of Google's four key DORA metrics. We also look at Merge Frequency, which can be useful for teams on fixed deployment schedules.
In addition to how much was shipped and how often, we also care about what kind of work we did. To show that, we measure Types of Work and Feature vs Maintenance Work. These insights are based on issue tracking and commits data.
To make sure we’re not sacrificing quality for speed, we look at two other DORA metrics: Change Failure Rate and Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR). Note that from 2023 DORA has replaced MTTR with Failed Deployment Recovery Time.
Change Failure Rate is the percentage of deployments that cause a failure in production. We also show Deployment Failure Rate, the percentage of attempts to deploy to production that failed (or timed out).
Mean Time to Recovery is a measure of how quickly an organization recovers from a production failure, and Mean Time to Acknowledge shows how quickly an incident is acknowledged. And if you’re trying to get a handle on noisy pages, or want to know which services or escalation policies have the most pages, check out our Number of Pages analysis.
To see the human impact of pages, check out our Wellbeing section.
People metrics
Good collaboration is the backbone of good code. Extensive research shows that code reviews support code quality, knowledge-sharing, and learning. How people participate in reviews can also be an indicator of psychological safety on teams (more in Google’s team dynamics research).
To help teams understand their collaboration patterns, Multitudes looks at metrics like the Participation Gap (which shows the gap between those who do the most and least code reviews), Feedback Given (in code reviews), Feedback Received, and Feedback Flows (which shows who gives feedback to whom).
Research shows that 71% of tech workers are burned out.
That's why we look at Out-of-Hours Work, which shows how often people are working outside their preferred working hours – this looks across on-call pages, commits, and meetings. Collectively, these can be a warning sign of potential burnout.
Our Wellbeing metrics also show Page Disruptions and Meeting Load within work hours too. Research shows that more meeting interruptions at work leads to people working overtime and feeling more drained.
See how we measure
DORA is a 10-year longitudinal research program that shows which software delivery metrics are linked to organizational performance and individual wellbeing (learn more about DORA and developer productivity). The Multitudes app has the four key DORA metrics – see them at a glance on the DORA page or dive deep in our detail pages.
Change Lead Time: The time it takes a code change to go from first commit to successfully running in production. This shows how well the work is flowing through.
Deployment Frequency:How often code is deployed to production or released to end users. This gives an indication of how much value is being delivered to customers.
Change Failure Rate: The percentage of changes to production that caused failures, requiring remediation like hotfixes or rollbacks. This gives an indicator of the quality of our change processes.
Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) & Failed Deployment Recovery Time (FDRT): How quickly an organization recovers from a production failure. Note that DORA has now replaced MTTR with Failed Deployment Recovery Time (FDRT), which is the time it takes to restore service after a change to production results in degraded service.
SPACE is a framework developed by Nicole Forsgren (co-author of DORA), Margaret Anne-Storey, and other researchers at Microsoft (learn more here). The framework takes a big-picture view of developer productivity across 5 key dimensions, and recommends that any measurement should pull from at least 3 of these buckets:
Satisfaction and Wellbeing: How fulfilled, happy, and healthy developers are.
Multitudes provides behavioral indicators to show when you might need to check in on this, with metrics including: Out-of-hours Work, Page Disruptions , and Meeting Load.
Performance: An outcome of a system or process.
Measure this in Multitudes with metrics like: Change Failure Rate, Mean Time to Restore (MTTR), Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA), and Review Wait Time
Activity: The count of actions or outputs completed while working.
Measure this in Multitudes with metrics including: Deployment Frequency, Merge Frequency, Types of Work, Feature vs Maintenance, Coding Time, and Feedback Given.
Collaboration: How people and teams communicate and work together.
Measure this in Multitudes with metrics like: Participation Gap (the range of comments, from least to most), Feedback Given, Feedback Received, Feedback Flows, Review Wait Time, and Editing Time
Efficiency and flow: The ability to do work with minimal delays or interruptions.
Measure this in Multitudes with metrics like: Change Lead Time and subsets, Deployment Frequency, Focus Time, Page Disruptions, and Meeting Load
Note that depending on how you use the metric, the same metric could sit under multiple dimensions.
The DevEx framework recommends improving developer productivity by looking at developer experience (DevEx). It groups DexEx into 3 dimensions: Feedback Loops, Flow State, and Cognitive Load. Multitudes provides a range of metrics that align to the DevEx framework.
Feedback Loops
Cognitive Load
Flow State
Peer-reviewed original research on developer productivity, using data to take action, and more.
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