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“We appreciated the product’s sincere focus on team and individual health. It can be easy to get lost in a sea of GitHub data in these tools but Multitudes stands out in trying to synthesize the data and share insights around them. It is a breath of fresh air.”
Ben Darfler
Director of Engineering & Developer Experience,
“I like that Multitudes not only helps me spot issues but also gives recommendations on how to take action.”
Leonard Souza
Director of Frontend Engineering, ClickUp
“Before, my worry was that we weren’t accomplishing as much as we should have been. Now, I use Multitudes every week to see how our teams are doing and to catch issues early to improve efficiency. It’s really helped the teams to have the Slack alerts coming through too.”
Azeem Ahmed
VP Engineering, Veho
“With the market contraction, we need to not only move quickly but also do high-quality work. We used Multitudes because we wanted a tool that our engineering managers could use with their teams to remove bottlenecks and ship quality code faster.”